Date available to serve or volunteer:*
Degrees Received and Dates Attended:
Relevant Training or Education and Dates Attended:
Skills, Experience and Interests. Please select all that apply:
Describe any pro-life leadership or volunteer experience:*
Describe any community service experiences and involvement in pro-life advocacy:*
Other Skills, Experience and Interests:
Are you currently employed?*
Name of Employer/School:*
Title/Level of schooling:*
Type of business or organization/Area of study:
Primary areas of responsibility/Expected graduation:
Please list any volunteer, staff or community events that you have participated in that were directly connected to Arizona Life Coalition:*
Explain why you would like to Volunteer, Advise, or join the Board of Directors:*
How might Arizona Life Coalition benefit from your service and involvement?
How would you define or measure success for an organization like Arizona Life Coalition?*
Describe any experience you have organizing or engaging in collaboration between organizations, facilitated discernment and fostered agreement in your leadership roles and decision making:*
Please list up to three boards and committees that you serve or have served on in the past (ministries, business, civic, community, fraternal, political, professional, recreational, or social).
Organization #1 - Role/Title; Dates of Service:
Organization #2 - Role/Title; Dates of Service:
Organization #3 - Role/Title; Dates of Service:
Please give us the names and phone numbers of two (2) people we may contact as a reference regarding your character and professional experience.
Reference #1 - Name, Position and Relationship, Phone Number: *
Reference #2 - Name, Position and Relationship, Phone Number: *
Reference #3 - Name, Position and Relationship, Phone Number: *
Additional Information - If there is anything else you would like to share, please do so here:
Please read carefully through the ALC Statement of Principles. If you are in wholehearted agreement with it, please sign below. If there are points you do not agree with, please detail those under "comments" and submit with your application.
ALC believes in the sanctity of every innocent human life, from conception to natural death, regardless of age, sex, disability, or degree of dependence.
ALC believes that civil government is obligated to acknowledge and safeguard the right to life of pre-born human beings and to accord them equal protection of the law. Consequently, ALC cannot support laws, which in the name of “right to choose,” allow the “choice” of taking the innocent human life of another.
ALC is committed to enhancing the total wellbeing of women and men who are considering or affected by abortion. ALC affirms the necessary accessibility of emotional support, counseling, accurate information, competent medical care, and support services in order for women and men to make informed choices. ALC rejects the use of incomplete information, particularly when provided by individuals and groups that have a monetary interest in the outcome of a woman’s decision. ALC is committed to serving women and men in various capacities regardless of the choices they may make.
ALC unequivocally rejects the use of violence, vandalism, or illegal activity to achieve its goal of preserving, promoting, and defending the health and wellbeing of women and the sanctity of innocent human life.
ALC does not endorse or promote the use of graphic materials that depict the gruesome results of abortion, without the consent of the person viewing it. Furthermore, ALC opposes exposing men or women who have not recovered from post-abortion trauma to said materials as well as minors who have not obtained permission from their parents.
ALC respects the diversity of religious, ethical and philosophical belief, and opinions, which underlies the pro-life commitment of its associated organizations and their adherents.
Please explain any disagreement you may have with this statement of principles.